Environmental Law Section Report 2013-2014

  • July 22, 2014

Chair: Stewart J. Pierce
Past Chair: Nigel J. Thompson 

The first educational session for the Environmental Law Section held in December was actually a joint
session with the Aboriginal Law Section. Gord Hannon came and spoke about the Connection between
Environmental Assessment and Aboriginal Consultation. The next educational session was held on
March 5, 2014 at which time Catherine Skinner from the Manitoba Law Reform Commission came and
gave a presentation about the Commission’s Consultation Report on Environmental Assessment in the
Province. The Commission is looking for feedback on the topic and it is anticipated the Report will be
used by Government to inform potential changes to The Environment Act for some time in 2015. In late
May 2014, the annual CBA NEERLS educational conference and business meeting was held in Ottawa
with the theme topic being The State of Air Quality Regulation in Canada. One more educational session
is planned for the section in early June - the topic being a presentation from Manitoba Government staff
on Amendments to The Contaminated Sites Remediation Act. 

Respectfully submitted,
Stewart Pierce, Chair
