Transportation Law Section Report 2012‐2013

  • August 28, 2014

This year marked success in a long‐running initiative of the Section and MBA Council: passage of legislation to bring the Cape Town Convention into force in Manitoba.    Cape Town provides an International Registry to record leases and security interests in certain aircraft and aircraft engines.  This is important legislation for the aviation and aerospace industries.

The new law was timely, since the Federal Government and those provinces with corresponding legislation ‐ now including Manitoba ‐ brought the scheme into force on April 1.

To familiarize the profession with new requirements, the Section is hosting a presention for its members and the Business Law Section to explain the impact of the law and demonstrate the International Registry procedures.

As Provincial Chair, I also sit on the National Executive of the Canadian Bar Association Air and Space Law Section.  

At the National level, the Air & Space Law section meets annually with Justice/Transport Canada/regulatory agency legal counsel, provides submissions on relevant Federal Legislation, provides materials for the CBA Section Web pages and corroborates with ABA Forum on Air & Space Law on its conferences held in conjunction with the McGill Institute of Air and Space Law.

Respectively submitted,
Joe Barnsley, Chair
